Les Garrigues 3, Floor 3, Door C, 46001 València


The most common questions

You don’t have to wait until you are unwell and unable to move to go to a therapist for a massage. This is one of the big mistakes that people make: ignoring those little aches and pains that are mild at first but that become worse as time goes by, and then going to get them treated. More than 80% of the musculoskeletal discomfort that we suffer daily in our day to day life is eliminated after a few massage sessions.

Massages are good for many things, depending on the type of massage we receive. There are from relaxing to stimulating, through anti-cellulite massages, sports, competitive, analgesic, draining, etc … You just have to know what we need at that time.

Lymphatic drainage, because it moves the lymphatic system faster and helps to drain toxins and fats.

Pregnant women find it very beneficial, since, on the one hand, they feel how the tiredness and weight of the sacral area is relieved. They can be applied either sitting or lying on the side, especially when the pregnancy is very advanced. It favors the venous return of the legs. The benefits of massage also extend to the fetus, which also receives these gestures through the mother’s womb.

In countless things, regardless of your level. It will help you from physical recovery to a significant improvement in physical condition and a better adaptation to exercise and sports practice. It doesn’t matter what sport you do and at what level you are. If you do sport, you have to try it.

Basically, relaxing massages, although in the great majority of techniques a great level of relaxation is reached and they are good anti-stress.

The immediate benefits are a general reaction, muscular and mental relaxation, and a great energetic release. Blood and lymphatic circulation is activated and toxins are eliminated.

Massage on normal tissue is almost always a pleasant sensation. Massage on very tense or chronically painful areas may cause some discomfort at first, which usually subsides within the first few minutes.

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